Are You Getting Milk to Your Calves Fast Enough to Keep Bacteria Levels Low?
Just like in the human food sector, we should be offering safe and sanitary milk and colostrum for our calves to drink too!
Calves, Group Housing Considerations – Disease Pressure
Calves are especially sensitive to this disease pressure, which is why individual housing creates calves that appear “healthier” in the first couple of months of life.
Day One, Cleaning, and Calf Performance
We all know the importance of a clean maternity pen and colostrum clean feeding equipment, but what does that really mean? What does that look like on-farm, not just a perfect protocol sheet?
Beat the Heat & the Bacteria
There are many things to keep in mind when the heat and humidity ramp up and settle in. The cool nights of early summer are gone and now it’s just HOT.
The In’s and Out’s of Bacteria in Group Housed Calves
Here’s how we lower disease pressure in our high stocking density group pens, and only spend 2-5 minutes per month, 3 gallons of water, and $0.21 to do so.
Cleaning in Cold Weather
Cleaning calf equipment and housing in the cold weather is never a fun task. Speed up that process and improve sanitation by adding DK-ll to your protocol. Take a 5 step process down to two simple steps.
Increase Sanitation without Spending More Time Cleaning
Increasing efficiency, sanitation, and calf performance is something that we are always looking to do! Many times, when you look to improve sanitation, you end up spending more time, more money on chemicals, and more water to do so.
Where Have Your Hands Been?
Some people believe in gloves, some people don’t. Either way, it is important that your hands are clean. Whether you are milking, feeding calves, or doing any type of vet work, clean hands are a must.
Hidden Bacteria in Your Auto Feeder
Auto feeders are great, they can help relieve many common issues with calf raising. Some issues an auto feeder may resolve could be insufficient employees, wanting to feed more volume or increase feeding frequency but not having the equipment or time, and many other challenges that come with calf raising.
Clean, Clean, Clean
Anyone that has experience with calves knows that the most used word in your vocabulary is clean. Clean this, clean that, did you make sure those are clean? We keep saying it, but what does that really mean?