Consulting Services for Calf Raisers

What small investments could you make, today, that will improve your calf raising for years to come? We will advise you on the best solutions! With our personalized consulting services, we will help you invest in yourself and the long-term success of your facility, one practical improvement at a time. 


Calf Programs

Includes 3, 6, and 12 month options, and can be completed in-person or virtually!

  • -Help you raise healthier calves to be more productive members of your future herd

    -Uncover ways to cut costs without reducing quality

    -Offer assistance with employee management decisions

    -Provide greater confidence and training

    -Fix challenges as they arise

    -Agile to your custom needs

    -Supportive options that aren’t -dependent on specific product purchases

    -Educate, train, and provide tools to succeed in raising healthy calves

    -Empower staff and owners to make confident decisions

    -Share our lifetime of versatile experience

  • -Initial Visit Questionnaire

    -Monthly Farm Visits (virtual option includes quarterly visits, instead)

    -Sanitation Audit (not included in virtual option)

    -Taking blood samples (not included in virtual option)

    -Spot checking colostrum management (not included in virtual option)

    -Goal review

    Maternity Pen:

    -Create protocols and train employees:
    -Written, printed, laminated, and posted protocols
    -Training provided through video, 1-1, and quarterly meetings

    -Colostrum Management:
    -Monthly plate counts
    -Monthly quality checks
    -4 Q’s analysis and plan

    -Cleaning and Sanitation

    -Cost Analysis

    -Organization and Management of Records

    -Organization of Equipment and Tools

    -Pen flow and size analysis

    Calf Barn:

    -Create protocols and train employees:
    -Written, printed, laminated, and posted protocols

    -Training provided through video and quarterly meetings

    -Serum Total Proteins (12/month)

    -Milk Program:
    -Plate Count

    -Grain Program:

    -Cleaning and Sanitation

    -Disease ID & working with Vet to create treatment plans


    -Pen Rotations/Management

    -Efficiency Analysis

    -Cost Analysis

    -Troubleshooting/On Call

  • Contact us to receive a quote for a customized package that fits your needs!


Other Consulting Services

We provide à la carte consulting services for any individual parts of the above-listed program. You will save money by investing in one of our calf programs - but we understand that your needs may just be within a specific area, such as maternity pen, calf barn, cost analysis, efficiency analysis, staff training, etc.