Does Your Navel Dip Have You Covered?
Maternity Brooke Vanderloop Maternity Brooke Vanderloop

Does Your Navel Dip Have You Covered?

After our in-depth discussion of the maternity pen, colostrum management, and the vital requirement of a clean place for the newborn calf to land, we are going to move to other newborn (first 24 hours of life) protocols that will help set your calves up for success later down the line.

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Navel Issues Unraveled
Maternity Brooke Vanderloop Maternity Brooke Vanderloop

Navel Issues Unraveled

The most challenging thing about navels is there is a lot of management involved, so it can be difficult to put a plan together that works for both your employees and your calves.

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New Calf, How Can We Do Better?
Maternity Brooke Vanderloop Maternity Brooke Vanderloop

New Calf, How Can We Do Better?

A new born calf just landed in the straw. You are responsible for the success of the rest of its life. What now?

Assuming you are fortunate enough to be able to control the first things that happen to the calf when it comes into the world, here are the top things to consider.

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Navel Management
Maternity Brooke Vanderloop Maternity Brooke Vanderloop

Navel Management

Navel management and protection is one of the most important things you can do for your calves and your wallet. A close second behind colostrum management and a clean maternity pen should be dipping navels.

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