Fall Calf Barn Cleaning Ideas

As summer slowly comes to a close, and the nights cool off, it’s a perfect time to get some extra things done around the calf barn to get ready for the cooler days ahead! 

Like we discussed in Flies - How the impact summer sanitation you would be surprised to discover the places flies can get into and the things they can make a mess of. That is true for many other calf barn things too. Milk can sneak into hard to reach places, calf poop can get in the most unsuspecting spots, and you might also be surprised what else you find when you start looking!

Here is a reminder of some things that we think are worth cleaning before it gets too cold!

  • Positive pressure tubes - flies, dust, and other debris can get into these and have a large impact on winter ventilation, and subsequently, winter calf health. Many times your PPT is the main source of winter ventilation, giving your PPT’s a nice deep clean before winter will do wonders for your calves this winter.

  • The gates, ceiling, and walls. - Sometimes, when switching groups and moving calves around, it makes cleaning all surfaces challenging because there are always calves in the way. Plan a day with all hands on deck to pressure wash your barn from top to bottom, and give everything a sanitation once over to start fresh for the winter. Again, fly poop can end up EVERYWHERE and the only way to truly get rid of the risk is to completely eliminate it through sanitation. Twice a year, even with 300 3-5 month old heifers, we will clean the barn from top to bottom, with them inside. Is it a long day for them and us, yes, but from a sanitation standpoint, it’s worth the one long day for the overall health of the calves. Make a mess to improve the whole barn! If you’re looking to take it a step further, consider checking into whitewashing. We do this in all of our retrofitted barns bi-yearly. It gives the whole place new life!

  • Deep clean the milk house - take everything out and pressure wash it from top to bottom, scrub down the equipment, and clean the floors (and doors!). Get any extras out of there that don’t belong and if you're feeling extra ambitious, rearrange to make it more functional!

  • Wash your tools - grain buckets & scoops, wheelbarrows, shovels, pitch forks, and any other tools you use regularly in your calf barn. If brushes have seen their better days, consider getting new ones!

While this might not be an option every year or every spring and fall, try to aim for at least bi-yearly. A deep cleaning of all hard to reach places will help to take your entire calf barn sanitation to the next level. Also, don’t be afraid to get the pressure washer in there and use it! Lastly, always follow up with a good sanitation product of your choice. We like DK-ll for all of our calf barn sanitation needs because it is safe and effective, but do what works for you and your calves!


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