Calf Barn Protocols - Are yours up to par?
Protocols are tricky. How many do you write? How much detail is necessary? Do I really need to write it down if I can just explain it to them?
The answer is all of them, a lot, and yes, you have to write them down.
Protocols being written and updated are important for a multitude of reasons, but we are going to discuss a few reasons here that are a top priority.
First, people learn in many different ways. For example, I like a list, other people do better with verbal instructions, and some people learn best by show and tell. As someone managing employees, I like to use a combination of all three, but I always ask how a person learns best, and I have found that a lot of times, a list is also their favorite.
Second, the language barrier that is a commonplace on farms makes verbal communication challenging at times. Many times, I have found with google translate I can get my point across SO much better through written directions than through verbal.
Third, it’s a point of contact for any issues that many arise. If you find out an employee has been skipping steps on the sanitation protocol that is written and posted, there is an opportunity to remind them about how and why you have it there, and that it needs to be followed, and to ask them if they have a reason why they are doing it differently than the protocol. Maybe your original protocol needs upgrades because they have a better way!
Protocol drift is a issue that will be faced at every corner. It’s hard to stay focused and on task when you do a job so frequently, take it as an opportunity to remind, retrain, and restructure protocols with your employees! It can be a chance to learn from them and for them to learn from you!
If writing protocols is something that you think your calf barn employees could benefit from, but need help getting started, send us a message!